Golden Rules to be safe online #safefromharm

Be prepared. ⚜️ Our familiar Scout motto applies to the online world, too! Is it just us, or have we been spending a lot more time online these days? 👀
👩‍💻 Today, take one action to help make online spaces a bit safer. For example, right now on social media, you could: change your social media passwords, check & update your privacy settings, or report concerning content you come across (ex. a scam or harassment).
👨🏽‍💻 Have 10 minutes? Familiarise yourself with SCOUTS South Africa’s Social Media Policy and keep yourself and your Scouting members safe online. Find it HERE
#scoutssouthafrica #volunteersmatter #childprotection #OnlineSafety #internetsafety #besocialmediasavvy #beprepared