My Akela is hilarious!

The count down is on for Akela 2016! We spoke to Tyler-Brae Buchanan (9) from 58th Durban Cub Pack in KwaZulu-Natal.

Tyler Brae Buchanan1SSA: Why is Cubbing so much fun?
Cubbing is fun because we go on fun outings!

SSA: What was your best experience with Cubs?
My best experience was when we did science experiments at 1st Pinetown.

SSA: What is the weirdest thing you ate outdoors?
The weirdest thing I ate outdoors were green spaghettis.

SSA: What was the toughest challenge at Cubs?
Building a raft was the toughest challenge at Cubs.

SSA: What was the most amazing place you visited with Cubs?
The most amazing place I visited was the town square in Durban.

SSA: Can you name a few things you have learnt by being a Cub?
By being a Cub I learnt how to tie knots, to be kind, I also learnt about pioneering as well as gardening.

SSA: What things have you done with Cubs to help people in your community?
To help our community, we collected money for the Stainbank Nature

SSA: What did you teach your mum that you learned at Cubs?
Not much because her dad taught her most of the things when we was small.

SSA: What makes a good Akela?
A good Akela helps you when you are stuck with something.

SSA: Why is your Akela special?
My Akela is hilarious!

Cubbing Rocks because … it is fun!

#Cubs100, #CubCentenary #CubbingCentenary